Train Your Dog To Not Pull The Leash


One of the usual problems that dog owners face while growing up their puppies is pulling the leash. If you have ever seen other dogs and owners who walk perfectly in sync, and the dog does not seem to be disturbed, you look surprised and must have thought, “Wow, what luck.” You should know that situation is not a manner of luck.

In fact, training your dog on a leash is a process that requires patience and time. If your dog is tempered and is pulling a leash, there are ways you can stop him. In the text below we will present some tips to prevent a dog from pulling a leash.

Why do some dogs pull the leash?

There are various types of dog behaviors and situations that can confuse us. If you better analyze them, they actually start to make sense. Dogs as others animals communicate with their environment differently than we do. Walking slowly next to their owner is unusual for them. Dogs want to go in different directions, smell different smells and they want to do it all as fast as possible.

Are there any chances to stop them from pulling the leash?

The good news is that it is possible to teach your dog not to pull the leash. However, this will require the commitment of the owner, time, and patience. If you decide to invest time in training your dog, you will eventually get a dog that knows how to behave on a walk. The dog will patiently walk beside you until you decide to release him and allow them to run and play. If you follow these tips to prevent your dog from pulling the leash, you will quickly have a well-trained dog.

There are a few useful pieces of advice to prevent your dog from pulling the leash:

1. Select a method and technique

The key to successful dog training is consistency. It does not matter what you are trying to teach your dog, consistency is part of every workout. This rule applies to training your dog not to pull the leash. The first thing you need to do is choose a method of walking and stick to it.

Choose where your dog will walk. Some owners prefer the left side, others the right and some prefer the dogs to walk a few steps behind them. You can try them all and see which one suits you and your dog. Keep in mind that not all dogs prefer all methods, so take the time to choose the right one.

2. Start without pause

The second thing you should do for your dog is to prepare him for success. If you take your dog out immediately among other dogs and various distractions, it will be difficult to learn. The best way is first to start training him indoors, where there is less interference. That way your dog can stay focused on you and learn instead of handling the things that are happening around him.

Choose the part of the day when the dogs are calmest. Start with training after they have played and managed to expend excess energy. This is great advice to start training your dog to stop pulling the leash.

3. Make a positive training

Another thing that dog trainers and most dog owners already know is, that it should be repeated – The training must be positive. Your dog needs to start associating non-withdrawal with a positive experience. You need to give them a reward when they behave nicely and make them not pull the leash. You can do this by using delicious training treats.

However, we can give our dogs treats for different types of training, and your dog may lose some of his motivation. You should find a perfect way to motivate him. Try small pieces of ham or cheese. These are not something your dog should normally eat, but you can use them as a powerful motivator. Your dog will do whatever you ask of him if he wants to get a tasty reward.

4. Stop when they pull the leash

Many dogs will start pulling the leash from the moment you put it on the collar. This is not the kind of behavior you want to encourage. When your dog starts pulling, you should stop moving. Make your best imitation of a statue. If you do this consistently, your dog will begin to associate pulling with stopping. In time, he will learn that a loose leash allows him to move forward.

This advice on how to prevent a dog from pulling a leash can be frustrating. A dog can feel various things around him, and different senses can send them to “red”. Again, you can start by trying this tip in an environment without any interference. Make sure you have delicious rewards with you and reward your dog every time he walks nicely.

5. Use different training equipment

One of the things that can greatly affect your dog’s behavior on a leash is a harness that buckles at the front. You would not believe how quickly their behavior could be changeable. They will not get used to this type of equipment, which is a method used by many police and military dogs. As soon as he puts on his bra, the dog knows exactly what to do. In addition, these harnesses work so that when the dog pulls, the harness forces him to turn towards you.

Dog trainers often use training collars. These types of collars are characteristic because they cause pain to dogs when they pull. The dog will feel pain and stop pulling. On the other side, there are some dogs that do not know when to stop. One of the disadvantages of training collars is that some can be tightened so much that they can strangle a dog. This can happen if your dog gets entangled. We would not recommend using training necklaces unless you know what you are doing.