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Parvovirus in Dogs

Parvovirus in Dogs

Although it is most commonly diagnosed in puppies, there is also a risk in adult dogs that have not been vaccinated. Parvovirus is a...
Puppy Disease

Puppy Disease – Cause, Symptoms, Vaccine, and Treatment

Puppy (Latin name - Febris catarrhalis infections canum), is a highly contagious disease that affects several organ systems and belongs to the group of...
Dogs Eat Grass

Why Does Dogs Eat Grass?

Dog owners often wonder why their pets eat grass. There are several reasons - first, biologists claim that eating grass is normal for dogs,...
Fungal Infections in Dogs

Cholesterol in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs can have high cholesterol, but the reasons for the formation of cholesterol and its consequences are different for dogs and...
Worms in Dogs

Worms in Dogs

Worms in Dogs?Toxocara Canis or canine worm: The clinical picture of the disease depends on the number of parasites and the general health of...
Shy Dog

Why are omega-three fatty acids healthy for your dog?

Omega three fatty acids not only give energy and vitality to the dog but also create healthy skin and beautiful fur. They also have...
dog cheating

Are They Cheating Us?

Our little pets are intelligent beings, and accordingly - cunning. That is why by often manipulating the feelings of the owners, they can provide...
Blood in Dog Stool

Blood in Dog Stool | Cause, Symptoms, and Treatment

If you own a dog yourself, then this is a pretty familiar topic for you. It often happens that there is blood in dog...
Dog trembling

Dog trembling – Why Dog Tremble and What To Do?

Dog trembling. If you own a dog, then you may have faced having your dog tremble. The causes of this phenomenon may be different,...
Can Dogs Eat Cheese

Can Dogs Eat Cheese?

Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Dog owners should keep in mind when adding new supplements to a dog's diet to consult a veterinarian if their...