Why are omega-three fatty acids healthy for your dog?

Shy Dog

Omega three fatty acids not only give energy and vitality to the dog but also create healthy skin and beautiful fur. They also have a positive effect on the dog’s paws.

In the diet, omega 3 fatty acids improve the transport of vitamins A, D, K, and E. They also play an important role in the cells of vision and the cells in the brain that are responsible for learning.

The body is not able to produce essential fatty acids on its own, but must be ingested through food or certain supplements. If they are not ingested daily, vital functions can be compromised. The same goes for people.

The richest food with omega 3 fatty acids is fish. Dogs are free to eat fish, sardines, tuna, or salmon, and in agreement with a veterinarian, you can include supplements in the form of gel capsules.

Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are:

– Coldwater fish and their oil
– Chicken eggs
– Flaxseed, soy, vegetables

However, the intake of this food in the dog’s body should be moderate because it is high in calories and you should not burden the body. Ask your veterinarian for any additional new food in your dog’s diet.

Fish is a readily digestible food, does not burden the digestive system, and is a source of long-chain fatty acids, iodine, and selenium.

One of the most important fatty acids in fish is omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties, protect the cardiovascular system, reduce the level of fat in the blood, make the hair shinier, and firmer, and also ensure a healthier skin appearance. You can give the fish 1 – 2 times a week, cooked or raw. You can use almost any type of fish, which includes dumplings, and you can offer the dog with or without bone.

Good quality dog foods contain adequate amounts of essential fatty acids in an appropriate proportion so that supplements are generally not required. Even the addition of different oils (herbal) can disrupt the proper balance of these two groups of acids that already exist in food or lead to satiety, which can be manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, a decrease in blood coagulation.