How to Find a Lost Dog

Find a Lost Dog

How to find a lost dog? Losing a dog is a difficult and disturbing situation, especially if you live in a state where animal sacrifice is allowed. For this reason, we recommend that you act quickly and decisively to prevent something bad from happening to you.

Yes, we know that you are nervous and that you will go into “hysterical mode”, but do not lose your mood, because then you will not know how to find a lost dog. We will explain everything you need to do step by step, to increase the chances of your dog becoming safe and healthy. Remember that time is of the essence, find a lost dog during the first forty-eight hours is our goal.

Keep reading to know how to find a lost dog and don’t forget to comment and share a photo of your pet. Good luck!

Search the area where it was lost

That’s right, stay where you are and call him by your name out loud, shouting if it takes as long as it takes.

The dog has a sense of smell that is stronger than we know and he can smell us even from far away. If you have old clothes that haven’t been washed in the last 2-3 days, put them on and start looking for your pet in the area where it disappeared.

When dogs get lost, they usually try to follow their own trail, trying to get back the same way. They usually think about the last place they followed and there is a high chance that they will pass. If for any reason you can’t stay in that place (for example, look for your dog in that area), leave someone familiar with the dog in that place. Call the dog and wait for him in the same place.

Try to remember the last place you saw your dog last time (or have evidence of it) and start combing the area. To speed up the search, you can cycle. Ideally, ask a group of friends or family for help for greater efficiency. Don’t forget to shout his name, they can be hidden. Go with treats, a sonic toy that identifies you as your own, and even a familiar dog. Family and positive stimuli can help you spot. Ask individuals you meet if they have seen a dog with certain characteristics. A photo of your mobile can help you.

Search your home

Although it seems obvious, this is the first step you need to take to find your dog.
Ask your family members. It is possible that someone took you for a walk or slept in your room.

The same instinct we mentioned can make a dog run away to a place where it feels safe, that is, to its home. That’s why there are a lot of dogs that when they get lost, follow familiar smells until they get home.

It is very important to leave a friend or relative at the door of the house, watching and waiting in case your stray dog ​​returns.

Ideally, the person in the last place and the person at the door of the house (yes, we have to wait outside the house, not inside), communicate by phone to let them know if they see the dog.

If that doesn’t work, use something that appeals to your pet, like a favorite treat or one food you like so much. Surely it comes out of hiding.

If it still doesn’t show up, look for it in unlikely places. Frightened dogs can hide in impossible places.

Check the stool or footprints you may have left in the way. And of course, don’t leave any place without checking how weird it is. Use the car and find routes from the nearest and farthest places so that there are no uncovered areas.

Imagine places he could go

Have you lived anywhere else? Is it an adopted dog? If you answered “Yes” to either of these two questions, ask yourself more: Where do you think he would go?

Try to think of all the possible places your dog would go if he could. Don’t underestimate their ability to orient themselves, some dogs have come on a journey of up to 20 kilometers to their destination.

Look for other dogs nearby

It is possible that the reason why our dog got lost is that he is in the heat or he is curious to meet a dog that lives relatively close.

Go to areas where there are more dogs, like neighboring houses, dog parks, nearby farms, in case your dog went there and they saw him (don’t forget to ask).

Hang posters

Print posters to hang in the area where you last saw your dog. Remember to add the following information:

– Photo of the dog
– Name of the dog
– Short Description
– Your name
– Two contact telephones

Remember that a reward can encourage someone to help you find your dog but if you wanna give do not specify the amount of the prize. In fact, if the person who has your puppy wants it back, they will do so if you put in the prize amount or just say you are offering the prize. Offer a reward for all the information that leads to your pet’s recovery, because obviously if that reward is offered, the help will feel like people are more sensitive and satisfied if there is a reward between them, but don’t put the amount. In addition to paying a high reward, it can attract extortion and fraud.

Get your attention

If you’re wondering how to find a lost dog in the field or anywhere else, you should know that you shouldn’t stop calling him by his name. The more you call him, the more likely he is to hear your call.

You also need to wear your favorite treats to get your nose. Similarly, leave toys or some of your clothes at the door of the house. This will allow you to recognize your home.

If you still can’t find it

Don’t lose your temper, we recommend that you review the entire procedure again. Visit shelters, kennels, and clinics again: your dog may show up from one moment to the next.

Take advantage of social media and try to be original and create a video or publication that can be viral. If you see that it doesn’t work, you can always pay a small amount to reach more people.

Share it on social media

For starters, you need to share the news of your dog’s disappearance on your Twitter and Facebook profile (no privacy) so you can reach everyone. Provide some personal information such as your name, photo, an area where it was lost.

Then you have to ask to share your post. Don’t use the words “no questions asked”, “I’m desperate” or similar to this. These types of messages prove anyway that if your pet is stolen, and on the other hand when it shows despair, it is a sign for bullies that they can do extortion.

In addition to your own profiles, you can continue to post groups of lost dogs in your city, abandoned animal groups, or forums where posts are regularly posted. Facebook advertising is a tool that broadcasts the area where he was stolen or where you know he was last seen.

Go to veterinary clinics

Especially if it fell into the hands of a kind person, your dog can end up in a veterinary clinic. Don’t forget to go with the poster and leave the data there in case your dog shows up. Note that, in principle, the vet should call you if he reads the chip and does not identify the customer as the owner.

Notify Authorities

It may seem absurd, but we often miss the most important thing, letting the police know that our dog is lost. This way, if they see it, they will know she is lost and will be able to let us know.

Likewise, if someone finds a lost dog and notifies the police, kennel, or animal keeper, they can contact us. Especially if our dog has a mandatory microchip.

Call an animal shelter

Contact the kennel or the nearest animal shelter to see if your dog has gotten there. Explain how detailed your dog is, leave the phone and most importantly: ask them to note the number of chips.

If you are unlucky, you can continue to contact other more remote shelters. Sometimes dogs can travel long distances.

Never stop looking for him

It is difficult to know how long a missing dog can be, as it can survive for months away from home. For a long time, and even if you lost hope, never stop looking for your best friend. He would never stop doing that.

If you follow all these tips, how to find a lost dog will cease to be an impossible question to answer. Have fun!

We wish you luck and find your best friend soon!

If you find your dog do not forget to follow these tips:

– Insert an identification chip with your updated mobile and contact information.
– Use a physical badge on the dog’s collar with the animal’s name and contact phone number.
– Don’t let him get lost in parks and public spaces if you think he can escape again.
– Do education with him to prevent this from happening again.
– Watch and keep up to date while walking.

Put the chip on your dog

In any veterinary clinic, you can put a chip on your dog, it is economical and lasts a lifetime. In many countries, it is even quite mandatory.

The chip is injected, does not hurt, and will leave all contact information in your dog in case it gets lost.

If someone finds a dog and lays down a chip locator (something done by police, animal protectors, veterinarians), he will know who the dog is from and can return it.

Use a GPS locator

If you are a hunter or your dog is an escape expert, if the dogs are hot or just want to prevent instead of complaining. Use a GPS locator with your dog.
Its price is so low that you will surely spend more on one meal with friends. So you have no excuse, be prepared and equip your dog with GPS tracking so you can locate him in seconds, in case of loss.

It will be enough to put it next to the leash/collar and ready, your dog will be at all times and will even notify you of the alarm on your mobile if it moves too far (you can configure this option, putting counters you think are appropriate).
We have a lot of experience with locating lost dogs and trust us, no dog with a GPS is lost because with the help of our mobile phone we can find its exact location.

Make good use of your walking belt

There are half-meter leashes and five-meter leashes, if your dog is hot or you know he will run away with the help of a leash go for a walk and don’t let him loosen up. It’s the best way not to get lost.

Above all, we insist, on the warm season. Because dogs become very instinctive and literally run away in search of a dog or a dog to hang out with. This means that if you are not catheterized, you could have puppies.

Castrated dogs older than one year barely show these impulses, older neuters will need several years to completely remove testosterone and avoid these impulses.


Why do dogs run away or get lost?

Dogs are very curious and impulsive animals, sometimes they simply find a trail and get lost trying to follow it. Another time their impulses can be with them when the ecstasy arrives.

These are the main reasons why a dog runs away from home or simply gets lost while walking with his family.

Thermal cycle

Both males and females suffer greatly during heat cycles, so we always recommend castration because, in addition to preventing many diseases, it prevents dogs from feeling bad during the heat.

A dog can have two or three jealousies a year, during which it gives off a very characteristic odor that makes male dogs feel very attractive.

The male will try to run away from the house and find the scent of the female that will follow her trail, locate her, and try to mate. Females will do the same, which at the end of the pregnancy cycle feels a strong impulse to grow again.
Despite with scents and games

The most developed sense in a dog is its smell, so they spend the day sniffing things and trying to follow in the footsteps of other dogs, animals, or people.

No wonder we also see them following the food they find on earth, especially if we pass through cities or towns. If we add to that that they like to play with anything like a stick, we have the perfect combination of hopelessness.
Owners are also partly to blame because we confidently think our dog is attentive to us and will know how to find us, something that doesn’t happen often. Above all, if we go through new places, mountains, mountains.

Hunting instinct

It’s not the first time a dog has run faster than lightning, trying to chase something that has been seen moving, from a simple mouse to a cat, a bird, or something that catches your attention.

Sometimes his hunting instinct is so strong that even if we call him he will ignore us, so he will very likely remain lost or disoriented when he decides to stop chasing his prey.

Runaway from family

Dogs are loyal, they are loyal, but they are also intelligent. A person who does not take care of his dog does not take him for a walk, does not take care of him, does not take care of eating him, or even ties him with a chain all day, does not deserve to have a dog.

A dog that has high average intelligence and bullies him, sooner or later try to find a better home, if necessary, on the run.