Feed your loving dog on a healthy way !

dog food

Over time, you may wish to reward your dog with delicacy or to store some home-made food or to completely remove the granules. What you have to do is to properly select the ingredients and food your dog will consume.

The ingredients you make should be perfectly balanced in quantity to get one full meal for your dog.

Food rich with protein !

The main ingredient of a veterinary diet for your dogs must be a protein rich meal. Such meals should also not be greasy. Protein-rich foods are the right choice for your dogs. Your pets adore the meat and thanks to their digestion system it is easy to get it. You can serve chicken, fish, beef, lamb, or turkey.

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Also, one of the other ingredients in dog nutrition is eggs. As we know, eggs have an extremely high level of protein including various dairy products. A very important thing if you plan to introduce dairy products into your dog’s regular diet is to monitor their condition after a meal. Things you need to pay special attention to cramps, vomiting or diarrhea.

Food rich with Carbohydrates and Cereals

The following foods found on the list of healthy food are foods rich with carbohydrates and cereals. As with humans, carbohydrates are the main source that gives us the necessary energy for our activities. By carbohydrate, we get enough calories. It’s the same with our dogs. We need to feed them with foods rich with carbohydrates and cereals.

The carbohydrate energy provided to your dogs will be sufficient for their everyday activities. If you are planning to introduce a veterinary diet to your dogs, you must be careful not to over-use carbohydrates. If you consume your dogs in a larger amount, you must pay attention to it in normal quantities. Excessive use of carbohydrates can lead to fat accumulation and deterioration in the health of your pets, which is something you do not want if you introduce a veterinary diet to your dogs and plan to bring them into a top form. What will be the meal will remain for you to evaluate to an expert. Meal size depends on the age of the dog and their activity.

The next thing you need to pay attention to your pets is the reaction, as well as after any other food you give them you must follow their behavior. Certain types of dogs may be allergic to food in the form of cereals.

Feed your loving dog on a healthy way !

Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibers that facilitate digestion and help and promote bowel movement. They are also rich in vitamins A and C. Apples are one of the best foods you want to put into your dog’s meal. Besides them, they are also good blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or strawberries because they are known as excellent antioxidants.