Dog Breeding

dog breeding

Breeding season, dog breeding, or estrus is one reproduction cycle in breeding dogs when the female dog is ready to accept the male.

Mating dogs is one characteristic process. At the beginning of the mating season, estrogen levels increase significantly and then decrease rapidly. Ovulation occurs during this cycle, with the maturation of the egg in the fallopian tube and readiness for fertilization.

Ideal sterilization should be done before the dog starts spinning. Before you can see how long a dog stays in the mating season, it is necessary to find out when the need for mating starts.

When Does The First Dog Breeding Season Begin?

The First Dog Period for Reproduction

The first mating season in dogs begins at the age of 6 to 24 months. Primarily it depends on the breed.

For smaller breeds, the breeding season begins sooner, while for large breeds the breeding season begins later.

The sexual maturity of a dog is usually:

Large breeds: 18 – 24 months of age.
Medium-sized breeds: 15-18 months of age.
Small breeds: 12 – 18 months of age dog.

A female dog has two normal mating cycles, each lasting 18 to 24 days.

When do dogs really have need for mating

Best period for dog mating is from January to March and August to October.

It is characteristic that during this period the female has significant changes in mood. You can compare these changes with changes in the mood of women before menstruation. Also during mating season, the female often licks the vulva. Sensuality is normal in these periods.

How often dogs have reproduction?

The frequency of dog run depends mainly on the type of breed, and there are also individual differences from dog to dog. However, the characteristic of non-castrated dogs is that they have a mating season twice a year. Most often every six months. In just a few seconds you will see how long the female has been attracting the male.

How Long Does It Take The Reproduction Period in Dog? How Long Does It Stay in the Steaming Season?

During the mating season, the female attracts males for a certain period of time. Although the female has been chasing for about 18 days, she is not always ready for sexual intercourse.

So how long does dog mating take?

During the mating season, the female-only allows the male to approach half the time period.

How Do I Know My Dog Is Mating Season? Signs Of A Dog Being ready for mating?

When a dog is in the mating season, there are characteristic changes. Changes are characteristic signs that reveal your dog is spinning.

So, how do I know my dog is in the mating season?

Behavioral changes

The most significant changes that pet owners first notice during the mating season are behavioral changes.

During the run, the dog will be:

Nervous, upset and careful more than usual

In some cases, the opposite is true. Specifically, certain dogs will be less active than usual.

As I stated earlier, the female is only ready to mate in half the time. For this reason, it will show aggression towards other dogs, but also towards humans.

Frequent urination

Another characteristic sign that the dog is moving is to urinate or urinate more often. Urination is a characteristic way of communication for dogs. The female will urinate more often to let other dogs know that she is in the mating season.

Swollen vulva (vulva)

This swelling is not painful and occurs several days before the bleeding.


One of the first signs of starting a dog run is bleeding. During the mating season, changes in the amount, color, and timing of blood discharges are possible.

Genital licking

Dogs try to keep the genital area clean. Sometimes this is unsuccessful so that owners who keep a pet in the house often resort to solutions such as dog diapers while driving dogs.

Changes to the dog

On the female , you will sometimes see hormone-induced changes during exercise. When the males approach the female will, besides the change in mood, sometimes have changes in themselves.


Due to hormonal changes, males will sniff the female more intensely. The characteristic odor is a signal to the male that the female is ready to mate.

Changes in appetite

In most cases, during the mating season, the dog’s appetite will increase as their body will require more energy.

However, as noted above, some dogs will show less activity, and in most cases, their appetite will be reduced during exercise.

Changes in temperature

Increases in the dog’s body temperature are possible during the mating season. However, it is important to note that if temperature changes occur when the dog is not in the mating season, they can indicate serious problems for the dog.

Can I Sterilize a Dog Before the Breeding Season Starts?

Castration of the Dog Before Expulsion

It is recommended that if you want to castrate or sterilize the dog before the start of the mating season or forcing the dog.

This will prevent unwanted pregnancy and the estrus cycle. Likewise, pre-pregnancy sterilization can help prevent dog breast cancer.

So the profession recommends sterilizing dogs before spinning.

When Can Dog Sterilization Be Done?

Earliest Sterilization Age

Dog sterilization can be done at two months of age.

However, it is recommended that you speak with a veterinarian and obtain his or her consent to sterilize the dog. In some cases, veterinarians recommend that you sterilize the dog at 6 months of age. This is due to the higher safety of the pet during anesthesia.

Smaller dogs are more challenging and dangerous to perform surgery with anesthesia.
If you think that the danger to the health of dogs during sterilization decreases if the dog is older and stronger then you are wrong.

Big dogs have a larger and deeper abdominal cavity, more blood, and fat in the abdominal cavity, which significantly complicates the process of sterilization of dogs and increases the risk of complications.

Why Should I Sterilize a Dog?

Reasons for and Against Dog Sterilization

Sterilization as process is often recommended by experts because studies show that dog sterilization contributes to the dog’s health. However, there are reasons for and against the sterilization of dogs.

The reasons for sterilization of dogs are:

The female lives longer and is healthier – sterilization of the female helps prevent breast cancer and uterine infection. These are female death patterns in 50% of cases.

The male lives longer and healthier – sterilization of the male helps prevent testicular cancer. This is a very serious dog disease, and it is advisable to complete the dog sterilization process as soon as possible.

Preventing entering the mating season – you will prevent unwanted pregnancy and the estrous cycle.

The dog will not wander far from home – during the chasing season, males often wander away from home in search of mates. The risk of injuries and injuries to dogs is greatly increased.

Prevents aggression and increased urination – sterilization of dogs contributes to the reduction of aggression and increased urination of dogs around the house.

Cut costs – Sterilization is not free, right?

Of course not, but it is a cheaper option than caring for puppies who often have health problems and require a vet.

Over-population of dogs is decreasing – millions of dogs are euthanized or stray each year. Sterilization can prevent these problems from occurring.

You help the community – there are many abandoned animals that cause problems like car accidents, human bites, etc. Sterilization is a better solution than unwanted dog pregnancies.

Reasons Against Dog Sterilization:

Obesity Risk – Sterilized dogs are often less active, eating the same amount of food. This leads to obesity leading to joint disease, heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. It is recommended to ensure sufficient activity for sterilized dogs and to regulate the amount of food.

Increased risk of hemangiosarcoma (hemangiosarcoma) – hemangiosarcoma is a type of cancer that occurs more frequently in certain breeds such as German Shepherd Dog and Golden Retriever.

Still, the study shows that sterilization causes the production of a certain type of hormone to be interrupted, leading to a higher risk of developing cancer in dogs.

Risk of complications during surgery – there is always a risk of complications during surgery. Although the risk of serious complications is reduced to 1%, the chance of ending tragically always exists.

So you can decide whether to sterilize your pet. Experts agree that sterilization still benefits more from the disadvantages, and how good it is.

I also recommend sterilization if you want to prevent unwanted pregnancy but also to prevent certain problems.

However, proceed with this process carefully and be sure to consult your veterinarian.
The Sexual Cycles Of The Dog Breeding Season – Detailed Description And Duration Of Dog Expulsion

The mating season is marked by 4 sexual cycles. Various physical and hormonal changes occur in each reproduction cycle.

Three hormones are the most important during the dog the period of mating:

Estrogen – Starts the mating season of dogs.
Luteinizing or LH – causes ovulation.
Progesterone – Maintains pregnancy.

Below you will see a more detailed description and duration of a dog breeding, or 4 sexual cycles of mating dogs.

Why Does a Dog Bleed?
Features of the Proestrus Cycle

The first cycle of the mating season is called proestrus. This cycle lasts approximately 10 days. There is a vaginal bleeding of the dog during this cycle.

If the female prepares for pregnancy during this period, she will not want to mate with the males.

This is a tricky time for dog owners who keep a pet in the house. Blood can be seen throughout the house and owners resort to various solutions to keep the house clean.

The advice is for owners to place towels to protect home furniture. However, most often owners buy diapers for dogs or make baby diapers with a hole for their tail.

Okay, now let’s look at the next dog spin cycle and its characteristics.

When Is Dog Breeding Time?

The next cycle is estrus and lasts about five to nine days. During this cycle, your dog will be looking for a male in the neighborhood.During this estrus cycle, the dog is ready to mate.

Non-sterilized dog owners who want to prevent unwanted pregnancies often resort to locking dogs in the home or in the box to prevent mating.

Did your dog have a false pregnancy? In the next dog spin cycle, you will find out when and why a false pregnancy occurs.