Building Resilience in Dogs

Resilience in Dogs

Do you know how to Build Resilience in Dogs ? The external environment hides various microorganisms that, in order to survive, “look for” a way to break through the barriers of the body of dogs, but also humans. Fortunately, there are many ways in which the body defends itself against these unpleasant intruders.

The health and general resilience of your dog depends on a large number of factors and are amazing mechanisms by which his body defends itself from the harmful influences to which it is exposed on a daily basis. The external environment hides various microorganisms that, in order to survive, “look for” a way to break through the barriers of the body of dogs, but also humans.


The skin is the first barrier encountered by different types of bacteria, viruses, fungi… in their march on your pet. Hair is an important protective factor. Sebum is a product of small glands in the skin that “lubricates” both hair and skin, protecting them. Too frequent bathing with inadequate shampoos can lead to drying of the skin and hair, thus endangering this “first line of defense” of the dog’s body. Bearing in mind that the skin is the largest organ, and considering its importance, we can only say that the health of the skin is very important and that it is at the same time very easy and extremely difficult to maintain.

I’ll explain. If we feed our pet properly or optimally, dedicate ourselves to regular care in accordance with the needs of his hair/fur, bathe him properly with adequate shampoos, his skin and fur would be healthy in most cases, so their role in defending the body would be more complete. Those less fortunate dogs who develop some of the skin problems need a thorough and comprehensive, usually long-term therapy, often with a special diet and lifestyle. The influence and importance of the solar spectrum on the quality of the skin and the health status of the dog, in general, should not be neglected – which brings us to the importance of walking.

A walk

Walking for your dog has multiple meanings in maintaining general resilience. In addition to the influence of sunlight, there is a physical activity that walking enables. Regular physical activity participates in maintaining the proper functioning of the dog’s metabolism. Proper and functional metabolism means that your pet’s body is able to “produce” everything it needs to survive and function, but also to defend itself from the harmful effects of the external environment. Also, the work of the muscles improves the circulation, and thus the supply of various organs with all the elements necessary for proper work.

Circulation also allows the elimination of harmful metabolic products from your dog’s body. There are breeds whose metabolic needs can be met by regular walking. However, there are races like workers that require serious and regular training and working with them. Not only a huge yard / huge apartment, top-quality boxing and strong food are enough for such breeds, but it is necessary to provide them with adequate regular training – think carefully before deciding when choosing a breed whether you can train with your dog every day. You can also use the walk to play with your pet, which will further strengthen your mutual connection, and thus the obedience of your four-legged friend! It is not easy to raise a pet, but with the game, everything is more beautiful and easier – use your common moments to play and learn.

Socialization is also facilitated by regular walks and stays outside. This enables the dog, especially the puppy, to meet other dogs and people and in that way achieve healthy communication with the external environment. If you do not realize the importance of socializing your pet, I will draw your attention to the fact that in incorrectly socialized dogs, the exposure to stress is significantly increased, and that in them, every time they go out, it is a potentially stressful situation. Stress affects the body by provoking it to produce larger amounts of corticosteroids, which have been confirmed to have an immunosuppressive effect on the body – so the possibility of an outbreak of some of the diseases is directly increased.


One of the chemical barriers of the body is stomach acid. Proper and regular nutrition of your pet, you guessed it, is an important factor in maintaining proper gastric function. Resistance is also increased by various substances secreted by the mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive, and urogenital systems. As the digestive system begins with the oral cavity, it is easy to guess that the health and hygiene of the oral cavity are the first on the line of defense of the digestive system and the organism as a whole.


If you are not one of the owners whose dogs allow brushing their teeth, provide them with adequate “chewing gum” and toys that will allow at least partial cleaning of the teeth. This reduces the chance of plaque and plaque-forming on your pet’s teeth. A large number of bacteria remain under the accumulated deposits on the teeth, as well as between the teeth. In time, when their numbers increase enough, these bacteria will find a way to get into your dog’s bloodstream and lead to a condition known as sepsis – life-threatening! Not at all melodious, you will agree.


In addition to dental care, the hygiene of the bowls from which your pet eats and drinks water is also important, as well as regular washing of toys and mats. When staying outside, care should be taken that the dog does not “smear something” from the ground – such situations are always a potential danger to the dog’s health, both in terms of potential “foreign body” and potential poisoning of various origins (bacterial toxins, plant alkaloids, chemical toxins, insect toxins…). A decision that might not be a bad idea to reconsider is to at least occasionally feed the dog live meat and eggs. As in humans, in dogs, eggs and meat are a potential source of various bacterial and viral diseases and parasites such as salmonellosis or trichinosis.

The amount of food we give to our pets should not be neglected either! The health risks posed by obesity in dogs are certainly manifold. Metabolic disorders that mainly lead to various diseases are a very common cause of visiting a veterinary clinic. The list includes conditions such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism, hyperadrenocorticism, disorders of the liver, pancreas, kidneys…