Are Labradors Really Aggressive?

Labradors Aggressive

Are Labradors Aggressive? Although most of you will probably think as soon as you read the title – well, of course, they are not, for every dog, and so for the Labrador, socialization and proper breeding are a key to growing into laid and non-aggressive dogs.

Labradors are one of the most tolerant breeds in the canine world and that is why they are one of the favorite and most numerous pets of families around the world. They are friendly, adaptable, adore children, and get along well with other animals in the home. However, these beautiful dogs (as well as dogs of any other breed) can show signs of aggression if they are not socialized and brought up as they should be from an early age.

Unwanted behavior

When it comes to situations where they can show signs of unwanted behavior, they are first and foremost a show of aggression when it comes to protecting food and territory.

Labradors, as we said, are by no means dogs that we can place an adjective on dangerously, aggressively, or hostile. These determinants, unfortunately, are most often attributed to Rottweilers, Staffordshire, or Pit Bull Terriers (although this is by no means the rule).

These dogs do not guard dogs in the true sense of the word, because the readiness to attack is not in their genes. However, they were bred as hunting and field dogs (field dogs, hounds). However, they are also ready to react if they find themselves in a situation that seems threatening to them. If they are endangered, or their family is endangered, they will not hesitate to attack and defend themselves.

If someone is “chasing” him and provoking him beyond his tolerance (and she is great), rest assured that he will reciprocate. For, although a dog full of love and always friendly, the dog is an animal and his reactions are conditioned by his assessment of the situation.

As a puppy, teach your Labrador “who is the boss” – you are the leader of the pack. Otherwise, it will become your tiny, chubby pet, which while puppies may be nice to you, but when they grow up – will show unwanted behaviors. Most often, when you expect him to carry out a certain command or to obey you. That is why you must bring him up consistently, introduce him to other people and animals from an early age, but in a friendly and pleasant way. Not by sternness, shouting, or corporal punishment.

Take him to new places all the time, meet different people, other dogs. This will make him more confident and relaxed in the presence of human and canine “strangers” throughout his life. Take him to dog parks, spacious fields, walk him through the city streets, take him to the children’s park. It is imperative that you get used to the noise and the noise of the dog.

The most important commands a labrador (and every other dog) has to learn are – stand, sit, walk with your foot. Be calm, calm, positive, consistent in learning, and raising your dog, until he fully adopts everything you want to teach him. Of course, always stay that way and you will have a happy dog, joy, and peace in your home.