All About Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

Golden retriever. Lord Tweedmouth in 1865 mated a yellow curly-haired Labrador Retriever to the now-extinct tweed water spaniel. Between 1865 and 1890, Lord Tweedmouth carefully further cultivated this line. He crossed another tweed water spaniel, two black retrievers, one Irish setter and one sand-coloured bloodline.

The breed quickly became very popular in England and the USA. In the early 1980s, the breed came to the continent, only to experience a real expansion in the 1990s (with all the negative side effects). Today, the Golden Retriever is one of the most popular breeds, and according to the breeding statistics kept by the competent breeding associations, it is one of the most numerous breeds in the Anglo-Saxon and German-speaking areas. In addition, it is widespread in the Benelux and Scandinavian countries. But they can also be found in France, and more recently in limited numbers in southern and eastern European countries.

Recently, similarly to Labrador Retrievers, the breed has been divided into two types: “show type”, usually heavier builds and fuller hair, as opposed to lighter and more athletically built “working” or “field trial” type.

Golden Retriever

Today, this breed is known primarily for its balanced character, good tolerance of unknown people and especially children. All retrievers are characterized by the innate property of pronounced fixation on people, so with proper training they can be raised to such good obedience that many other breeds can hardly reach. His so-called “desire to please” can give the viewer the impression that he is reading the owner’s wishes from his eyes.

The ease with which it can be guided, combined with great intelligence and adaptability, has led to the fact that the golden retriever, with its original purpose for hunting, today is above average often a guide for the blind and disabled, a seeker of drugs and explosives and – most , family dog. In the case of a family dog, it is very important that the animal is given some obligation, a task that will, ideally, employ him both physically and intellectually.

Sports for dogs that are associated with nose work and fetching are appropriate. If his need for activity is met, the golden retriever will be an unproblematic pet dog. It is completely unsuitable for permanent holding in a tight space. He needs direct contact with people, and is not suitable as a guard dog and the like.

It is almost impossible to find a breed (not even dwarf breeds) that would be less suitable for these tasks than the Golden Retriever. They are very suitable as domestic dogs because they are confidential, affectionate and love children.

Golden Retriever – description

The character of the golden retriever is one of the reasons why many people choose it for themselves. He is very energetic, sociable and enjoys the company of people. This dog breed is great for families with children, since its nature fits perfectly with the needs and energy of children.

However, due to its large size and size, it should not be left alone with small children, just because it can bring them down with great joy during the game. He will never show aggression.

Another characteristic of this breed is that getting along with cats is not a problem for him, so he can socialize with them very nicely throughout his life. It is definitely advisable to initiate dating and joint activities of these pets from an early age.

They can be very gentle, and they are often playful and enjoy the tasks of catching, hiding, jumping or any activities that require him to engage. During the day, it is important to provide them with enough physical activity. They like to swim and enjoy various activities in the water.

This dog breed is one of those that often wags its tail, even when they see strangers. Precisely because of the positive approach to all people, they are not suitable as guard dogs.

The Golden Retriever breed requires a lot of attention and always likes to be in the centre of the events and family activities. If that wish is not fulfilled, he is ready to announce himself by barking or whining. He is not one of the dogs that barks often.
The Golden Retriever can live in an apartment, but it is more convenient to keep them in a house with a yard, since they need everyday activities. They love to run and love to spend time outdoors. They have a moderate tolerance to high and low temperatures, they prefer medium air temperature and spring weather.

Although, they enjoy the outdoors, they mostly like to spend time with the owner, so it is not recommended to keep them only in the yard. Due to the lack of attention and love, their cheerful nature is changing.
Excessive loneliness can make them depressed, sad, or even prone to destructive behaviour. They are generally very positive and cooperative and demand an equal dose of love from the owners. They are very gentle, so they expect such treatment, and they do not like strictness and rudeness at all.

Golden Retriever training

These dogs are very intelligent, so training and raising puppies is neither demanding nor problematic. They carefully listen to the owner, they will very easily learn the basic commands and perform them with enthusiasm. In support of this is the fact that they can very easily learn to be companions of disabled people, blind and visually impaired people.

However, this breed often understands dressage as a game, so it is important to teach them the rules from an early age. In that way, they still manage to understand everything that the owner asks of them and remember it throughout their lives. The Golden Retriever cub is very cooperative and should start training from an early age, learning the basics and socializing, both with other people and animals. If the owner is adequately positioned, this breed can very easily learn dozens of commands and respect the authority of the owner at all times.

On the other hand, inadequate training and lack of physical activity can lead to the development of undesirable behaviour, such as biting furniture and other items, digging holes in the yard, destroying flowers, shoes and furniture in general.

Physical activities of the Golden retriever

Every owner should pay special attention to the physical activities of this breed, since from an early age they require regular running, training and research. It will be necessary for the owner to set aside at least one hour a day for walking, i.e. intensive activities with the dog.

If the pet is not in a good mood, you should not force long and exhausting walks. It is important to follow its behaviour and desires, and not to overdo it with the amount of intensive training and walking, since the puppy is in formation and certain intensive exercises and forcing can negatively affect its development.

Except for walking, for which grass is more suitable than concrete, it is necessary to expose the pet to mental challenges.

This breed will enjoy learning tricks, solving tasks with dog toys, but activities of this type should not be more frequent than walking, running and similar physical activities.

Golden Retriever diet

When we discuss to the golden retriever, nutrition is not a required segment of his upbringing. However, just like with any other breed, meals need to be rich in vitamins, minerals and substances that have a positive effect on their health.
One of the main characteristics of this breed is that it loves to eat, so care should be taken not to become obese and it is extremely important to provide him with a balanced and quality diet.

In that sense, it is important to choose reliable dog food of excellent composition and divide it into several meals during the day. For the diet of this breed, you can mix granules for dogs and moist food that pets love very much. When combining these two types, it is important to take into account the amount and not overdo the size of the meal.

Since they are prone to stomach problems, it is recommended to feed them more often in smaller portions. It is understood that you should always provide fresh drinking water, and avoid the constant availability of food precisely because of the possibility of obesity. If you do not feel the dog’s ribs under the arm during the palpation of the chest, there is a possibility that he is overweight, which is a sign that it is necessary to regulate the diet.

The examination of the dog is performed simply – the thumbs are placed along the spine, in the area of ​​the chest, and the ribs are felt with the remaining fingers. If obesity occurs, dietary dog ​​food should be introduced in consultation with a veterinarian.

Daily food intake

Although almost every food has a different composition and amount of nutrients, based on which the amount you will give your pet depends, there are certain recommendations when it comes to eating a golden retriever:

– Golden Retriever puppies 2 months old should eat 2¼ cups of special food for puppies, distributed in 3 daily meals,
– Puppies 3 – 4 months old should consume 2 – 3 cups of food per day, distributed in 3 meals,
– A dog 5-6 months old should consume 3 cups of food distributed in 2 meals a day, and for puppies 7-8 months old you can increase the amount by half a cup of food,
– Golden Retriever 9-12 months old should consume 3-4 cups of food during the day, also distributed in 2 meals,
– Adult golden retrievers over one year of age should consume 3-5 cups of food per day, distributed in two nutritionally rich meals.

We will mention that the stated quantities are recommendations, and that it would be best to contact the selected veterinarian for a detailed diet plan. Also, a large number of manufacturers on the packaging of food emphasize the recommendation to feed the dog in accordance with the size and daily needs. These data can be a good guideline that influences the diet of the Golden Retriever to be correct.

Golden Retriever Health

The duration of the life of a golden retriever is 10-12 years. They are generally in good health, but just like other dog breed, they are predisposed to certain diseases. As with many medium and large dogs, this breed has an increased risk of developing hip and elbow dysplasia, a disease that can lead to mobility problems.

Golden Retrievers are prone to skin diseases, precisely because of their long and thick hair and strong undercoat. Therefore, skin allergies often occur, in which it is important to react quickly and visit a veterinarian who will solve this problem in time, thus avoiding more serious skin infections.

In this race, eye diseases can also occur, such as entropy – a disorder of the position of the eyelid, arterial and heart diseases, as well as problems with the stomach, thyroid gland and diabetes.

Another common occurrence in this breed is the already mentioned obesity, which occurs due to inadequate nutrition. Since they are big food lovers, it is important for all owners to choose quality food and carefully dose portions. In order to avoid obesity, but also other diseases, in addition to a balanced and quality diet, it is necessary to take into account regular visits to the vet and regular physical activities. Also, all owners should regularly vaccinate their pets in order to maintain their good health.

The dog should receive the first vaccine at the age of 6 to 8 weeks, and every year the vaccination against rabies is mandatory by law. We must not forget the importance of giving attention and love to golden retrievers, which play a big role in maintaining a good mood and mental health of the dog.

Golden Retriever Care and Hygiene

This breed requires adequate care and dedication in order to maintain its health and recognizable appearance. Hair maintenance is one of the main tasks of the owner and involves regular inspection and brushing of the fur. It is recommended to brush it several times a week, depending on the shedding.

Regular and detailed brushing and inspecting the hair contributes to the shine, the quality of the hair from root to tip and reduces shedding, and thus less hair in the dog’s environment, i.e. his and your living space. A visit to a dog hairdresser and hair shortening is recommended once a year.

Golden Retriever care also includes regular examinations of the ears, nose, paws, deeper lips, and especially the teeth. Since the ears are folded, it is possible to develop a fungal or bacterial infection, so it is necessary to clean them once a week with a cloth or gauze. Check for redness or bad breath that may indicate ear infections.

This breed requires regular brushing of teeth, about four times a week, and dog sticks will help owners maintain healthy teeth and prevent the development of tartar.

Nails need to be cut at least once a month, and insecure owners can turn to professionals for this service, as care must be taken not to damage the nerves on the dog’s fingertips.

dog breeding

Golden Retriever puppies – characteristics and care of puppies

When they decide to buy this breed, a large number of people choose a golden retriever puppy. That is why it is important to get well acquainted with their character and needs. When it comes to the Golden Retriever, the puppy of this breed has a very similar character and behaviour as an adult dog.

He certainly has the most pronounced need for games and activities of various types, and in this period it is very important to get closer to the owner and the dressage in question.

The small golden retriever differs from the adult dog in size, but also in overall appearance. Golden Retriever puppies have different hair that changes regularly, and the fur will be fully formed at about one year of age. The colour ranges from the lightest yellow to the dark yellow shade. The ears and back may be shaggy and darker in colour than the rest of the body. As the cub grows, so does the colour and length of its fur.

In some situations, owners worry that the puppies they have taken are not actually purebreds, especially when they focus on fur colour. However, it will completely change in just a few weeks, and the fur becomes darker, longer and thicker.

As far as care is concerned, it is important at the age of the puppy to start getting used to brushing, bathing, maintaining hygiene, defecating and similar activities and situations in which the dog will find itself in adulthood.

Golden Retriever puppies require special nutrition and quality puppy food is recommended for them, which includes granules for puppies, and in some cases, when the veterinarian recommends it, certain vitamins for puppies.

The Golden Retriever is a cuddly, gentle, sociable, loyal and energetic dog. It is suitable for families with children, and it will simply fit in with other dogs, as well as cats, as long as they receive sufficient amounts of love and attention. Dressing a golden retriever is simple, considering that he is intelligent and obedient.

This breed is relatively healthy and with adequate care, nutrition and care for its needs, it can live up to 12 years. When it comes to care, the greatest attention should be paid to the maintenance of fur, which is his trademark. Regular walks and physical activities are recommended.

It is very energetic and is a great choice for everyone who has a house with a yard, but also the golden retriever in the apartment can live with regular and active walks. It is suitable for experienced and inexperienced owners and will easily fit into almost any environment. He proved to be an excellent guide dog for the blind and weak, as well as for people with disabilities. Due to its peaceful nature, it is not suitable as a guard dog and it will greet every stranger by wagging its tail and cheerfully jumping.