Microsporosis in Dogs


Microsporosis is a zoonosis caused by the fungus Microsporum canis. The very word zoonosis means that the disease is transmissible to humans. It is manifested by the appearance of round hairless areas (seals), red to dark gray on the head and legs.

Hairless areas are characteristic, so with examination with a Wood lamp and sampling of lesions and their cultivation, the suspicion is confirmed. Prior to the onset of the disease, previous contact with an infected animal, most often a cat, and reduced immunity of the animal.

Treatment of microsporosis is performed by local or systemic application of antifungals. Of course, in addition to this, it is important to feed the pet high-quality food rich in protein, as well as the addition of vitamin preparations that contain biotin, which plays a major role in hair growth and strength.

The treatment is usually approached with local therapy and as such is very effective. In addition to pyroctonolamine-based preparations (Biopirox), there are miconazole-based preparations (Daktarin) that can be applied to the affected areas, and systemic antifungals are used as needed. You do all this in consultation with your veterinarian.

You can use Vetoquinol’s dog preparation Dermanorm, for skin and hair recovery that supports skin function in dermatoses and excessive hair loss. Improves skin constitution after skin diseases. Intended for skin prone to skin diseases.

Please note that it takes about eight weeks to heal, but if the clinical picture does not improve, you can change the therapy in agreement with your veterinarian.