10 Most Popular Russian Dog Breeds

2. Borzoi, Russian Greyhound

Here are the ten most popular breeds of dogs from Russia.

1. The name of the Samoyed race derives its history from the Samoyed group of peoples who lived in Siberia. These nomads raised such furry dogs in order to guard their cattle and pull their sleds. An alternative name for this breed, especially in Europe, is Bjelker.

2. Borzoi, Russian Greyhound is very reminiscent of the wolf with its dedication and habit of keeping its head down. The difference between a beagle or any other hunting dog and the Russian ‘r’ is that the latter is much faster, usually faster than its prey. Russian art catches animals while the beagle chases them.

3. The Caucasian Shepherd is a powerful dog with a hard, muscular body and thick hair that protects him from the cold weather and from the animals that attack the sheep.

4. Russian black terrier. The breed was created at the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel on Stalin’s orders. This is a police dog that guards prisoners and can live in any climate.

5. Eastern European Shepherd. This breed is popular in Russia because in the representation of humans this dog is very intelligent and loyal to its owner.

6. The ancestors of the Siberian Husky originate from the cold regions of the Siberian Arctic. The Siberian Husky is a breed of Chukchi from Northeast Asia, and was used to pull heavy loads over long distances and in difficult weather conditions. The dog was brought to Alaska during the Golden Fever, and the breed spread throughout the United States and Canada.

7. There are many types of likes in Russia. We chose the East Siberian. The East Siberian Laika is a hunting dog that is used for a variety of tasks, from chasing squirrels, martens and frogs, to moose, bears, wild boars and mountain lions. They can also pull sledges.

8. The Russian Toy terrier is a small dog that was obtained from the English Toy terrier. At the beginning of the 20th century, this was a very popular breed, but it was not bred because of the Revolution (aristocrats usually had such dogs). In the 1950s, cynologists began breeding the Russian dwarf terrier.

9. Although the Moscow Watchdog is very reminiscent of a Bernardine, it is actually a domicile breed that combines the beauty of the Bernadinons with the diversity and strength of the Caucasian Shepherd.

10. The idea of ​​crossing a dog with gravel is an idea of ​​the Soviet biologist Klim Sulimov since the eighties of the last century when he worked in the Ministry of Interior. That is why this breed is often called a Sulimov Dog.