Do it Yourself: Make a Dog Polygon for Agility

dog polygon agility

You don’t need to be a top master to get your dog a perfectly decent space with obstacles to exercise and run. All you need are a few boards, pipes, wooden poles, nails and screws and your or your common yard will get a very good dog polygon for agility. If you haven’t tried it before, running with a dog and overcoming obstacles is a discipline that most dogs enjoy.

Experts say that dogs strengthen their mind and body by jumping, crawling and running, become more resistant to diseases, as well as socialize better. Agility, although it is a sport for dogs, doctors also recommend to people, because they point out that in running with a dog, a person also recreates and burns negative energy and excess weight. Collect material, tools in your hands and go to work.


Dog polygon for agility all you need for obstacles is boards and a few thicker beams, but laminate boards or some other floor coverings can also be used for the same purpose. You will make a steep plane by nailing the boards to two identical triangles of slightly thicker beams. You need a similar material to raise the ramp, similar to a gymnastic beam, only with falls on both sides. Of course, do not overdo it with height.


In order for your pet to practice pulling, it needs a tunnel with a diameter that is proportional to its size. This type of obstacle in Belgrade’s parks is made of laryngeal tubes, which can be found on the market. If this is too complicated for you, pierce pieces of curved thin reinforcement, which you can find on any construction site, in the shape of the letter U along the axis on which you want to place the tunnel.

Prefabricated crossbars can be used for the same purpose. Spread colored nylon or some other similar material over the skeleton made in this way, which will imitate the walls of the tunnel through which the pet will pass.


dog polygon agility

The device on which the dog will practice the technique of movement in “slalom” will be made by driving several thin wooden poles into the ground and the surface on which the pet will move. For this purpose, holders for garden tools – pitchforks or rakes – can be used, the ends of which you will sharpen with an ax beforehand. They are light, will last, and in case of falling, they will not hurt the pet. Old broom handles can be used in a similar way.

This is one of the basic props in agility, the purpose of which is to get the dog to imprint and skip it. To place the groin, you need plastic pipes that can be bought in any better-supplied tool shop and home installation. For this type of obstacle, the best are sewer pipes that are easily connected to each other when heated. You can make a similar system out of trees.
Old roofing material can be a great way to assemble this type of obstacle. The beams are, due to their weight, ideal for the base, and you will easily make bars for skipping bars. Anticipate multiple brackets so you can adjust the height of the slat. If the slats have sharp edges, line them with a sponge or cloth.