Why Won’t My Dog ​​Drink Water?

dog won't drink water

Did you ask yourself why your dog won’t drink water? The daily needs of dogs for water depend on the size and age of the dog, the type of diet, the level of activity, and external conditions. Dogs that eat dehydrated food, drink more water to make up for the lack of water in their food.

Canned food contains 80-83% water, so the need to take extra water is reduced. High outside temperatures and increased activity increase water needs. Dogs constantly lose water from the body through urination, activities, panting, etc., and can easily become dehydrated if they lack water in the body.

The amount of water drunk can be an indicator of the presence of some diseases, e.g. dogs with diabetes, urinary tract infections, and kidney failure may show increased thirst and drink more water. In the case of pancreatitis, parvovirus infection, or leptospirosis, dogs can drink less water.

It’s hard to say why your puppy doesn’t want to drink water. It is possible that the reason is that he feels a certain discomfort or pain.

Instead of dry food, offer him canned or cooked food in which you can mix a little water. In addition, you can give the dog water with an ordinary syringe, which you can get from a veterinarian or pharmacy. Do not use force because it can be an additional stress for the dog.

Here are some reasons why dogs can become dehydrated:

1. Restricted access to water (the dog should be provided with fresh water in a clean container for 24 hours, as the dog may refuse water from a dirty and contaminated container
2. Change of water – dogs are sensitive to the water they drink, so changing their place of residence can lead to water rejection
3. Food – The type of food a dog eats contributes to hydration. Some foods are less moist than others, so water intake also depends on the humidity of the food.
4. Oral diseases – some medical conditions affect the dog’s ability to drink water. Tooth injury and tumors in the mouth make water intake a painful process. A broken or injured jaw also affects water intake.
5. Nausea – Kidney disease causes thirst in the earlier stages. Nausea that occurs as kidney problems go away does not help water intake in the kidneys. There are also diseases that cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, such as pancreatitis.
6. Neurological diseases – although rare, some neurological diseases cause thirst in dogs.

If this condition persists and your dog still won’t ​​wanna drink water, consult a veterinarian.