Homemade Toothpaste For Dogs


We are giving is a curable and healthy way to maintain your pet’s oral hygiene ! Carefully learn your pet to wash his teeth. Put the toothpaste directly on your finger and let your pet sniff and polish. Most animals will immediately enjoy a pleasant liver taste.

Swallowing the paste is completely harmless. After introducing with the paste, put a small amount on the toothbrush and slowly habituate your pet to regularly brush his teeth. For optimum results we recommend daily tooth brushing and toothbrush changes after three months.

If there are blood traces on the brush, or you feel that washing the teeth is painful for your dog, there is still hope to prevent inflammation. Skip the damp food, especially since it is more adhesive to the teeth and the west to the right. And dry foods are chewed better and therefore gums strengthen.

Just like in humans, and in dogs, plaque can cause bad breath, but also various health problems with the teeth. And since professional cleaning can be very expensive, we will bring you a cheaper alternative.


1/4 cup of coconut oil
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
3 tablespoon baking soda
6-7 leaflets
1 chicken or beef cube.


1. Mix all the ingredients in the blender and mix until you get the mixture.
2. Keep in a refrigerator container until use.

Additional advice:

Use a softer brush and apply it to small and mild circular movements. Pay special attention to the rear teeth and to the space between them, where the food strikes. Use a brush and ordinary water to rinse and rinse the fresh water from the pelvis for the dog for extra rinse. Do not use too much paste, because coconut oil with your pet may cause diarrhea.
Owners should never allow their pets to wash their teeth with paste for humans! Except that it was too tasty for them, so they would no longer allow them to come in with a brush, and since they do not even know how to spit the paste, they would swallow it, which is by no means advisable.